The Hédonista Manifesto

“Spiro ergo prospero”,

I breathe therefore I prosper.  

The quote says a lot about what is missing in our current times.  People feel that they don’t have permission to pause, breathe, spend time with friends, laugh, take pleasure from a moment.  Not to mention the amount of stress that we have all lived through in recent years.  

The impact is clear.  The everyday stresses of this modern world are taking a real toll on our well-being, and working hard to crush our vitality, sense of fulfillment, and joy.

Modern problems require modern solutions.

While we look to integrative and more holistic health practices to help regulate our nervous state, improve our nutrition and general well-being.  We are often still falling short in our pursuit of fulfillment and pleasure.  We aren’t really feeling good and still struggling with illnesses that seemingly cant be solved.  Could it be that these practices have no focus on the quality of our social lives?  Our home environments? How we manage stress and trauma?  Our community?  Our relationships?  These major parts of our lives need to be included in this new definition of health.  As we seek to overcome this assault on our nervous system in a continually more toxic world.  

We need to look at lifestyle.

How can we incorporate beautiful whole food cooking, exercise, and mindfulness into a way of life that we actually want to wake up and live everyday?  How do we accommodate our occasional needs for a late night with friends?  The one more glass of wine that we had?  The delicious thing not on our diet?

Is it possible that the rigidity we feel is leading to and blocking our chance of being truly healthy and feeling good?

Maybe they are.

Maybe we can consciously incorporate a better, more connected way of managing our stresses - while increasing our pleasure - by learning new ways of connecting with friends and family through whole food cooking and fun.  By deepening our sense of community and shared purpose without hard sacrifice and rigidity.

By incorporating leading-edge methodologies in epigenetics and integrative nutrition, practices in contemplation and abundance, into a modern, fun, sexy, and stylish way of life we can finally win against the stresses of the times.

Let me guide you to a better way to feel, live and be. Learn how to add the touches that make entertaining with whole foods come with ease and joy.  Because joy, friendship, and memorable moments are critical components of the new definition of health.  And delicious whole foods are an ideal basis for each.

Trained and certified in several modern and ancient health modalities, I have curated my findings in a pursuit of a new definition of health.  One that addresses the unique needs in these modern times, and one that is a joy to live by.

Join me!